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Toys R Us Big Toy Book 2014 Download

Toys R Us The Great Big Christmas Book

Toys R Us The Great Big Christmas Book

+ $50 Toys R Us Gift Card Giveaway!

Every year, my girls look forward to pouring over the toy catalogs & making their Christmas lists. They've been waiting for the day that Toys R Us would come out with their yearly catalog – The Great Big Christmas Book! This seems to signal the start of the holiday season, at least at our house…maybe your house too? When mom is thinking about all the shopping that needs to happen between now & Christmas {only 48 days from today!} & the kiddos are starting to think of all the fun times the holiday season will bring.

The Great Big Christmas book from Toys R Us

The Great Big Christmas Toy Book from Toys R Us is their annual toy catalog, featuring the best toy deals of the season! There are 80 pages of toys and if you'd prefer to look online, just head to Toys R Us.com to view The Great Big Christmas book via your computer or mobile device. When you look at the book online, you can filter it by age preferences, play theme, licensed character & more to make it fast to find what you're looking for in gifts.

Toys R Us also made it easier to search through paper-version The Great Big Christmas Book  as they have a table of contents at the beginning, with the toys broken down into these sections.

The Great Big Christmas Book Table of Contents:

  • Hot Toys – we've got the Top 15 hottest toys at Toys R Us listed for you
  • Imagine & Wonder
  • Dream & Pretend
  • Sparkle & Shine
  • Create & Explore
  • Build & Collect
  • Rev Up & Roll
  • Action & Adventure
  • Energize & Entertain
  • Clip & Save (these are 3 pages of coupons!!)
  • Rewards R Us Information
  • FAO Schwarz – selection of toys from FAO Schwarz that are available at Toys R Us

The Great Big Christmas Book Catalog

Of course, my girls – they didn't need the table of contents as they planned to go through the book, page by page, so they wouldn't miss a single toy….and then started the process again. My older daughter just loves to read these toy books over & over, while making her lists.

 Deals & Discounts available from Sunday 11/2 – Saturday 11/22::

#LetsPlay Great Big Christmas Book coupons

*These deals are available at Toys R Us stores & online at ToysRUs.com (while supplies last)

  • Free $30 Toys R Us Gift Card with purchase of any regular price Apple iPad
  • Free Nerf Ammo with purchase of any Nerf blaster priced at $9.99 & up ($6.99 value)
  • 25% off character themed bicycles (prices vary)
  • Save $30 onImaginarium ® Mountain Rock Train Table – $119.99 (reg $149.99)
  • Save $10 on any regular-priced Disney Frozen doll, playset or role-play purchase of $40 or more – prices vary
  • Save $10 on any regular-priced Barbie ® doll, playset or role-play purchase of $40 or more – prices vary
  • Save $10 on any regular-priced Monster High ® and Ever After High ® doll, playset or role-play purchase of $35 or more – prices vary
  • Flutterbye Flying Fairy Winter Wonderland Light Up Fairy – on sale for $34.99
  • Mickey or Minnie 22-inch Plush Dolls for $4.99 with any purchase of $50 or more
  • Two for $30"R" Super Buy Video Games

Ultimate Wish Saturday Events in November:

Toys R Us is offering several special events to help kids & parents as they are compiling their Christmas lists. You can head to an Ultimate Wish List event to be able to preview & play with some of the most popular toys of the season. The events will take place from 12pm – 4pm on 3 Saturdays listed below.

They will also have Make & Take Crafts, giveaways & an appearance by Geoffrey the Giraffe.

Here are the events:

Saturday November 8th – try out Skylanders Trap Team game at XBox One kiosks & tablets around the store

Saturday November 15th – test some of the most popular action-packed toys from Hasbro, such as Nerf Demolisher, Nerf Rebelle Secret Agent Bow, Transformers Age of Extinction Mega 1-STep Bumblebee Figure & more.

Saturday November 22 – Build & display Lego winter scene masterpieces. There will be a number of Lego-themed giveaways too

Wish List App & Contest:

Toys R Us has a Wish List app, which parents can download & use to help keep track of all of your child's items they want to add to their wish list as you go thru the store. This is available from the Apple App Store or Google Playstore.

Here are all the features:

  • Turn your smartphone into a scanner and scan the barcode of the toys to add to their list.
  • Once you scan the toy, it will be added to a digital Wish List, that can be accessed on a smartphone or PC.
  • This list can be shared with friends & family via text message, email, Facebook & Twitter.
  • You can make purchases straight from the app

If you create a new Wish list using the Toys R Us App or online at ToysRUs.com/WishList, you will be automatically entered to win a $1000 Toys R Us gift card (1 entry per person).

Holiday Shopping Programs at Toys R Us:

Rewards" R " Us – Earn points from Toys R Us with their loyalty program every time you spend money at TRU. You'll receive $5 in "R" Us Rewards for every $125 you spend. You can sign up at Toysrus.com/myrewards. You'll also receive exclusive pre-Black Friday deals & discounts for Rewards members

Price Match Guarantee Toys"R"Us will match a competitor's advertised price on identical items when customers present a local competitor's print ad or their website showing the item available for less.

Free Online Layaway –Create a layaway order at ToysRUs.com or BabiesRUs.com, in addition to in-store layaway program & you can make payments either in-store or online & pick up your item in-store  or delivered to your home. There is typically a $5 fee for layaway, but they are making it FREE for the holiday season.

Free Store Pickup Toys"R"Us offers a 'Buy Online, Pick Up In Store' option, which allows customers to shop online from wherever they are and pick up the ordered item at their local Toys"R"Us store in an hour or less.

Free Shipping – On Toysrus .com, the company offers free shipping on purchases of $49 or more every day.

Giveaway – $50 Toys R Us Gift Card

We are excited to partner with Toys R Us  for this giveaway for a $50 Toys R Us Gift Card to help you with your Christmas shopping.

This giveaway will end on Thursday, November 12th  at 9pm pst.

The winner will be drawn using "And the Winner Is" plugin and announced on the blog.  I will also email the winner. The winner will have 24 hours to contact me, otherwise a new winner will be drawn. US residents only & you must be 18 yrs or older to enter the giveaway. This giveaway is not affiliated with Facebook in any way.

Here's how to enter this giveaway::

(make sure these are all separate comments, with a comment for each entry )

1st Entry (required entry):

Leave a comment letting us know what's on your list to buy at Toys R Us.

Extra Entries :

2) Share this giveaway using one of the share buttons at the bottom of the post. Leave a comment to let us know how you shared – Facebook, Twitter,  email, word of mouth, in a Facebook group, Pinterest,  you name it!

3)Subscribe to the Thrifty NW Mom email newsletter – we have several different options of email newsletters – you can get all the daily deals every day in the late afternoon or you can get the deals as they come throughout the day if you don't want to miss a deal. We also have a special Christmas newsletter and Northwest newsletter.

4) Leave a comment here saying you "like" the Thrifty NW Mom Facebook page(on this post – not on Facebook! ) If you already like the TNWM Facebook page, then like the post sharing about the giveaway!

Disclosure: Toys R Us  has provided  a gift card to be given away to one Thrifty NW Mom reader randomly chosen as well as providing a gift card for us to review. All opinions are 100% mine. See our disclosure policy  for more details.

Source: https://www.thriftynorthwestmom.com/toys-r-us-great-big-christmas-book-letsplay/

Posted by: badrenovieren05.blogspot.com